This is the traditional machine, the first model of rotary pleating machine ever produced. It is the most simple as to running concept. In time the machines have been modified to increase the performances and qualities. These machines do not need a motorized paper holder, but a simple paper tensioning given by mechanical brakes; in alternative to the single paper holder, it is possible to have an automatic joint system (maximum width 600mm). This category is subdivided in 5 more variants (different systems of pleats collector) specialized according to the type of filter to produce.
star rolls pleats collectorpleats with or without glue (panel and circular air filters)
standard pleats collector pleats without glue (circular air filters or cabin filters)
belts pleats collector pleats without glue (oil and fuel filters, air circular and cabin filter)
belts pleats collector pleats without glue (cabin and circular air filters)
special belts pleats collector multilayer's metallic nets filters bending (special filter or heat exchanger)
machine for panel air filtersmachine for circular air filtersmachine for oil filtersmachine for cabin filters